"You are what you eat."

Good nutrition is a fundamental part of good health because the food you eat has a direct bearing on your health and state of mind. The whole concept of being well and staying that way depends on your intake of adequate minerals, vitamins, amino acids, as well as a host of other components.

When dealing with various health issues, we are often not aware that certain products, foods, or dietary materials we are taking may actually be aggravating - or possibly even causing - our health problems.

Certain foods may need to be increased, or decreased - or even avoided for a time - to allow particular health problem/s to improve or clear.

A naturopathic diagnosis is a good start to determine which of the above factors are a contributing force to illness, weight issues, immune imbalances or any other health problem depriving you of well-being and good health.

'I had lost about 18kgs before I started seeing Leanne at My Naturopath. I wanted to lose another 10kgs but I was finding it really difficult. I was also suffering from a lot of food allergies, so I wanted to find out the foods my body was not tolerating. Leanne helped me understand what foods were right for me, not only to help me lose that weight, but to help my body function in the healthiest way it could.

Earlier this year I got married and Leanne really helped and motivated me to lose that little bit of extra weight just in time for the day. Since then she has kept me on track and having my body composition measured regularly, really keeps me motivated to maintain my healthier lifestyle.

Learning about body health, what foods are right for me, and how it all aids the weight loss process has changed my life. I couldn't have done it without you Leanne, thanks so much!'

The right nutrition can lead to amazing results

Inadequate nutrition is implicated in a vast number of health problems, and while taking conventional medicines may ease the symptoms, it is often not the answer to these problems.

Any Naturopath worth their salt will stress to you the importance of regular consumption of wholesome foods, while avoiding ‘dead foods’ (all highly processed foods are!). Bottom line is, the more you focus on live natural foods, fruits, vegetables and clean water, and look for organic foodstuffs wherever possible, the healthier you will be.

The results that can be achieved through good nutrition alone are in some instances absolutely amazing!

Here at My Naturopath we focus very much on optimum nutrition through food. Hence a visit will invariably involve an analysis of your daily diet and overall lifestyle/dietary habits. Together we can work out a tailor-made plan for you, advising a variety of food choices perfectly suited for your body and circumstances that will get you back to enjoying ‘rude health’ once again.