Digestive Disorders

Without a healthy and efficiently functioning digestive system major health problems are unavoidable. Almost everyone experiences occasional minor upsets like heartburn, diarrhea or a stomach ache. It is when those symptoms persist or keep coming back - even if they are temporarily improved with medication and rest - that we are at risk. Unless the underlying problems can be found and treated, they can develop into chronic and/or serious conditions including IBS, ulcers and colon cancer.

There are a variety of conditions that can be successfully treated naturopathically. These include:


Irritable bowel syndrome

Excess wind

Spasms and cramping

Constipation or diarrhoea



9 things to avoid - or limit - in order to improve digestion

Stresses of all kinds

– physical, emotional and mental. In addition to mental and emotional stresses like fear, anger and worry, physical stresses include infections, trauma from injuries, surgery and environmental toxins.


– These can kill a high percentage of the naturally occurring beneficial bacteria that we need for digestion, leaving a void for pathogenic bacteria, opportunistic yeasts, fungi and parasites to move in.

Processed foods

lack in essential nutrients and fibre, forcing the body to rob itself of chromium, manganese, cobalt, copper, zinc and magnesium. Once these minerals are depleted, the body finds it harder to digest any carbohydrates, leading to indigestion, gas and bloating.

Lack of fibre

results in a slow transit time of food through the digestive tract (constipation). A slow transit time means greater risk of the absorption of some of the toxins from food waste into the bloodstream.

Not enough raw food

– Food enzymes help digest food and they are supplied (aside from supplementation) solely by raw foods. Cooking destroys food enzymes.

Foods that set off allergies

– Including those to dairy, wheat and fruits.

Poor eating habits

– When food is swallowed after only a few short chews, those food particles are harder for the body to digest and can result in gas, bloating and indigestion.

Drugs and chemicals

are basically toxins to the digestive system. Many drugs directly affect the digestive organs and digestion itself. Over-the-counter, prescription drugs and recreational drugs that can affect digestion include: antacids, antihistamines, birth control pills, laxatives, steroids, alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, marijuana, cocaine and many others. Anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, acetaminophen and ibuprofen can directly irritate the lining of the stomach impairing digestion, leading to infection.

Environmental Toxins

– Modern life is full of environmental toxins including chemicals, radiation, solvents, food additives, air/water pollution, mercury and other metals. When exposed to them, the body naturally reacts to detoxify, which uses large amount of energy that leaves little energy for proper digestive function.